Thursday, September 29, 2011

Reno update #1

Nate and I had a meeting at the house this morning to talk through all the joinery. There is so much detail that goes into it, almost every room needs some form of joinery. It was serious headache material which wasn't helped by not being able to get a babysitter so we had Hugo and Evie with us. Evie just slept in the corner, but Hugo was into everything. He loves watching the builders and playing with all the equipment which is a nightmare as the house isn't exactly child friendly at the moment. He bought along his toy drill and took his work very seriously! 

His favourite place to play today was in the fire place. Not sure it was the safest but at least he was contained! 

The slab in the garage is being laid in the next two weeks. The plan is to get the kids to leave little hand prints in it... Evie may struggle!

I'm looking for furniture at the moment and stumbled across these egg chairs which I'm loving for the kids bedrooms.

Furniture shopping is so much fun (albeit expensive), I'm really getting a complete picture of what the house is going to look like - its going to be amazing. I  can't wait to move!

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Discovering hands

In the last couple of weeks Evie has been mesmerised by hands. I love watching her watching her hands. She can be happily staring at them for hours.

I also can't believe my first baby starts school next year. They are growing way too quickly for my liking!

We're heading to Ma and Pa's farm this October weekend. The kids love it up there. It will be nice and relaxing before the madness of moving begins.

Monday, September 26, 2011

Clicky hips

This morning I left Mali and Hugo home with Nate and took Evie to have her second ultrasound on her hips. The first ultrasound she had, the results were boarder line so we were told to come back in a month to see if there was any improvement. 

Unfortunately todays results weren't any better. The prognosis - a brace for 6 weeks. I know this is quiet a common thing, especially in girls however I just hate to see anything happen to my babies. It will break my heart to see her in a little brace. My little Evie.

She was such a trooper, not too many tears even though she had a trainee doing the ultra sound and it took AGES. I get that they need to train, but can't you train on someone else's baby?!

6 weeks I can do, I shouldn't complain. I have a health, happy, beautiful baby. And best of all - she sleeps like a demon. 

Sunday, September 25, 2011

School holidays.

Its the first day of school holidays today and its not the best start with all this rain. Not sure how to break it to the kids that there will be no park today, just a day full of boring chores - maybe a trip to the $2 shop with the kids will suffice as an outing?? 

We need to be out of our house in a couple of weeks and I think Nate and I are in denial... we haven't started packing a thing. Between breast feeding and the kids emptying all the packed boxes I feel like I am on a treadmill. 

Today I have packed stuff. Packing sucks.

Saturday, September 24, 2011