Monday, September 26, 2011

Clicky hips

This morning I left Mali and Hugo home with Nate and took Evie to have her second ultrasound on her hips. The first ultrasound she had, the results were boarder line so we were told to come back in a month to see if there was any improvement. 

Unfortunately todays results weren't any better. The prognosis - a brace for 6 weeks. I know this is quiet a common thing, especially in girls however I just hate to see anything happen to my babies. It will break my heart to see her in a little brace. My little Evie.

She was such a trooper, not too many tears even though she had a trainee doing the ultra sound and it took AGES. I get that they need to train, but can't you train on someone else's baby?!

6 weeks I can do, I shouldn't complain. I have a health, happy, beautiful baby. And best of all - she sleeps like a demon. 

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