Monday, October 10, 2011

October long weekend

I love me a long weekend and we are so spoilt for choices of places to go. We decided to head up to Ma and Pa's farm at Shallow Bay with the hope of sunshine and plenty of activities for the kids. The 4 hour drive is not so inviting with 3 kids and a dog in the back but they all behaved really well especially Evie who, newly fitted with her brace, didn't make a peep the whole time. 

There is simply no better way to be welcomed than with this view. You feel yourself relax as soon as you step out of the car.

On the first night there we attempted to put Hugo into bed for the first time, not too sure what we were thinking... he wasn't interested, all he wanted was his cot. SO different to Mali who was in a bed at his age and loved being a 'big girl'. Hugo on the other hand isn't fussed at all which is a Godsend as I am quite happy for him to be trapped in his cot for as long as possible!

The kids woke up at the crack of dawn (possibly before) to a very windy day and all they wanted to do was fly the kite. Mali was in heaven, running around shouting 'this is the best day ever!'

Ma drove off to get some prawns and oysters (my first dozen of oysters since Evie was born and I was salivating!) and the kids busied themselves digging in the herb garden and just generally enjoyed the wide open space.

Pa is recovering from a double hip replacement and was in the house paddock testing out his new hips with a few golf swings. Hugo is obsessed with golf (actually any bat and ball sports) and grabbed his golf clubs and joined Pa. 

Mali on the other hand was waiting not so patiently for lunch...

It was a very wet weekend and after the second day we were trying to find new ways to entertain the kids...

They found a jelly fish 

I cut Mali's hair with safety scissors  

There was plenty of time spent in front of the fire (and watching of Rugby)

And lazing on the couch.

It was a very relaxing weekend and just what was needed before the mayhem of Nate going away and the moving begins.

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